Friday, September 5, 2008

Final Assessment (40%): Product Exhbition

You have come to the end of the course. For your final assessment, you need to get into a group of 4 or 5. Choose one product that everyone in your group has agreed to do a demonstration. Before your group is allowed to do a product demo, you need to prepare a written report (in group) for submission by end of Week 12.

In your group (if you have 4 members)*, let:
(1) student #1 write and present the INTRODUCTION,
(2) student #2 write and present the MAIN PART #1 and ITS MINOR PARTS (if any),
(3) student #3 write and present the MAIN PART #2 and ITS MINOR PARTS (if any), and
(4) student # 4 write and present the CONCLUSION.

*if you have 5 members,
(4) student #4 write and present the MAIN PART #3 and ITS MINOR PARTS (if any), and
(5) student #5 write and present the CONCLUSION.

All sections must have graphics that accompany the explanation (in the written report) and slides that go with the oral presentation (product demo).

For your blogging activity, write a draft of your section for the group written report in this entry. Your entry should be within one (100-150 words) or two paragraphs (200 - 300 words).

(Due: Week 12)

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